It's the second time I accidentally unplugged my earphones from the laptop with my elbow. WTH, I'm here lying in my bed staring at the windows and thinking. Thinking is all I do once I can't get asleep. So I have been thinking about how I wish it was summer and I could be riding a beautiful vintage bicycle wearing sailors shirt,or running in a field full of daisies, and a song would be playing while I was running. Like in the movies, it adds beauty and gives great sensation. It's like when you listen to your earphones, but the difference is that only you'd be thinking life is beautiful, people around might even get annoyed of the buzzing from the earphones, or maybe try to hear to which song your are listening to (I do that very often). Most of the time it sounds like electronic music then I wonder if everybody only listen to electro songs. I like to create a mood, for instance when its cloudy and grey and raining I put on some depressing soul songs. When it's sunny I go for 50s songs and when I don't like people I listen to The Beer by Kimya Dawson, don't ask me why. The other day I was in the bus, and this guy standing next to me with his headphones on, kept staring at me - I guess he was flirting. I rapidly looked at him them I turned my face towards the window and jumped to the next track on my iPod which was These Days by Nico but then I decided to press pause and try to listen to the sound coming from his headphones, it was hard to define but then the sentence 'because I got high la da da da da da da da da' sounded clearly. Then I sipped my coffee and pressed play again.