Yeah Hi! I've just woke up, gotta dress up and have breakfast, I'm not hungry though. I'm never hungry in the morning. But I guess I will eat anyway. I must have coffee though haha. So this outfit pictures were taken before the 'mashed potato' one ha, but yeah there goes the shirt again. I will stop wearing it now. I got this pleated skirt from a charity shop, simple and nice.
Kamis, 30 Juni 2011
I'm just a girl in the world.
Yeah Hi! I've just woke up, gotta dress up and have breakfast, I'm not hungry though. I'm never hungry in the morning. But I guess I will eat anyway. I must have coffee though haha. So this outfit pictures were taken before the 'mashed potato' one ha, but yeah there goes the shirt again. I will stop wearing it now. I got this pleated skirt from a charity shop, simple and nice.
Senin, 27 Juni 2011

I just watched Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist, and I did love the movie but I personaly dislike the soundtrack. I love bishop allen though but even the song they played in the film, is not really my cup of tea. Did you like the film's soundtrack?
Talking of music, here is my summer songs list!
What became of the likely lads - The Libertines, Empty Roof - Aberdeen City, Penny on the train track - Ben Kweller, Time won't let me go - The Bravery, Rain - Bishop Allen, In transit - Albert Hammond, Summer's gone - Aberfeldy, West Coast - Coconut Records, I'm a train - Albert Hammond, Have a nice day - The Stereophonics, Blue Skies - Albert Hammond, Fear of trains - The Magnetic Fields, You must be out of your mind - The Magnetic Fields, I gotta move - Ben Kweller, Click,Click,Click,Click - Bishop Allen, Oklahoma - Bishop Allen, Run - Ben Kweller, Everyone gets a star - Albert Hammond, Oh no - All Girl summer fun band, A friend like you - Aberfeldy, I wish - Babyshambles, The Summer - Coconut Records, Canadian Boyfriend- All girl summer fun band, Dont hide away - Bishop Allen, Grizzly Bear - All girl summer fun band, Grass skirt - All girl summer fun band, Cutie Pie - All girl summer fun band.
Mashed potato time.
After lots of showers, summer is definetely here. Today's heat was unbearable. I think I like when used to rain every single day. But yeah it's nice, it forces me to drink water. This is what I wore today, I've been wearing this cheap t-shirt every single day. I guess I love gray at the moment. a song
Rabu, 22 Juni 2011
Got holes in my new jeans for you.
I got a map this week I have just put it up on my wall. I will be marking places I want to visit. I am also making to do lists. The next two weeks I will be really busy finishing college work. I actually should start right away, if you like this simple outfit you can hype it on Lookbook :) Good night zz xx
Jumat, 17 Juni 2011
What is in my pocket, you never knew.
It feels like it is been such a long time since I last took outfit pictures on the street. I did it today. Although it was raining. I just got home now and I need a hot coffee. By the way this blouse I am wearing is thrifted and I got it from Camden Market for only two pounds. Bloody cheap :)
Kamis, 16 Juni 2011
Give it away give it away now

Hey there! Do you want to win a item from Jalousie Bijoux. All you have to do is participate by leaving a comment here with you name and email and of course follow Jalousie Bijoux on facebook and this blog on Bloglovin. If you win you are able to select an item of your choice from Jalousie website. Good Luck my darling doves.
Jalousie Bijoux Facebook Page

I've just found a ubs withsome old photographs, it's so nice to look back and see how things have changed. I have to leave now, but I feel so lazyyy it's raining outside. By the way I will be exhibiting some of my photographs in Brick Lane, if any of you would like to come to the private view or any other day here is the date, time and location.
Free Range Photo week.
Private view: Thursday 16th June
Public show: Friday 17th June - Monday 20th June
Address: 91 Brick Lane, London E1 6QL check the map here!
Minggu, 12 Juni 2011
i aint happy im feeling glad i got sunshine in a bag
This bag is not exactly a backpack, just letting you know!
Jumat, 10 Juni 2011
So today I felt a bit ill so my mother gave me some medicine she just asked me if I prefered capsules or drops. It's hard you know, it's like choosing between Rebecca Black's song or Jedward's. And I have trouble swallowing pills. It's awkward,I can't do it in front of people it doesnt work. I need to do it away from people and of course with glass of water. I have to throw the pill down my throat. Anyway I feel better I've just washed my hair and made a cup of white coffee. Do you like smelling your hair?
Kamis, 09 Juni 2011
I think I need a new heart
Hi, Today was my last day at college!well kinda of, next week I will be exhibiting my work in Brick lane. My day was pretty exhausting but not interesting. Hopefully I got myself this lovely backpack to cheer myself up. How was your day? zz xx
a song
Selasa, 07 Juni 2011
Senin, 06 Juni 2011
I did some highlights on my hair yesterday. I think it looks too blonde, I am not used to it, I might get it a bit darker later on. I want it golden brown. Anyway that is what I wore today, it's so simple. I havent been much inspired to dress up lately.
Sabtu, 04 Juni 2011
Here comes summer..
Yes, it is summer. It is weird though, because every winter I crave for summer and now that is definitely summer I just think that is too hot. Are humans beings never satisfied with what they got? not even the weather? haha insane, but yeah it is nice that there is sunshine every day. I am going to sleep now, my bed looks comfy. Can´t wait to turn the pillow over to lay my head on the cold side.
Do you miss home? and are you cool? symmetrical, analytical
shorts camden market, dr martens, backpack h&m.
That is what I wore today, I went to Hampstead to get some pictures done for my project, right now I drink soda and consider doing some highlights on my hair. x
Kamis, 02 Juni 2011
Everyone gets a star
I feel nostalgic so I'm listening to songs I used to listen a time ago.
That is Stereophonics, Babyshambles, Alberfeldy, Rooney... oh.
a song here
Rabu, 01 Juni 2011
(Pictures I took for my project named Superstitions).
Good night. I will start this post by saying how tired I feel, gosh I'm knackered. My legs hurt and my arms, I guess its due to the things I did today. I'm gonna tell you about my day. But don't get excited cause it wasnt good or glamorous.(a glamours day? haha glamours sounds corny).
07:16 I got up, grouchy as usual.. I did dress up fast but I take ages to leave the house I dont know why but I dont like leaving, I procrastinate.
08:30 Waiting for the bus, I always miss it, when i turn the corner the bus is already there in the bus stop. I never run to get it, because drivers are MEAN, yes they might be unhappy with their job our personal life so they are not nice, if I run to get it they will close the door and leave and I will be like ' Fine I am not in a hurry anyway, I dont mind waiting for the next one.
09:00 I went to the post office, I wonder if someday I will arive at the post office and there wont be a queue, there is always a line of people, ALWAYS.
09:10 Went to get the bus to go to college, when the bus arrives I feel like I am in a jungle, people are not civilized when busses arrive at the bus stop, everyone wants to be the first to get in, so they act like animals pushing and etc. Some of them take too long to touch their oyster cards or to move down inside the bus. I found an available seat on the upper deck. Feeling tired I almost leaned my head against the glass window, that was when I looked at the glass and reminded myself that I should never do it because the glass is always dirty, there is always something like a white greasy liquid on it. I bet its something from peoples head, disgusting. I dont know if its due to the fact that people dont wash their heads or to some kinda of gel they use.
10:00 Arrived at college, didnt get the elevator I always climb the stairs. My classroom is in the third floor. Although climbing rounds of stairs makes me tired its better than getting the lift I dont think its really safe.
12:09 Lunch time, I went down to Costa (there is a costa in my college in the foyer)the coffee is cheaper there.
12:19 Got the bus to Camden Town, bought a skirt and pancakes.. oh haribo too. Then I got the bus to a part time job at hair salon. At work I haven't done much cause there wasnt much to be done.
04:50 Went back home, oh how good is going back home. Although when I got home I did a spring cleaning on my wardrobe and in my room; The results are my tired weak poor body, but the room is really comfy though.
Now its 00:55 and I am editing pictures for a project. I cant sleep even though I am so tired. I cant really understand it haha! Anyway have a good night and thanks for those who always comment on my posts, I like reading your comments and by the way I will stop being lazy and try to write more and reply to you guys or at least my emails.
Ps: Aah I found a four-leaf- clover today :)
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